Thursday, January 17, 2019

Job Talk Season

The European Economics Association (EEA) just posted some very helpful slides on how to give a great job talk. Really, they're useful to read just before giving any seminar--even if you've been giving seminars for more than a decade.

Kjetil Storesletten has some great advice in his talk, "The Ten Commandments for How to Give a Seminar." Very helpful not only for preparing slides but also for writing introductions. The most important thing is to convey the value added of YOUR PAPER. What does your paper bring to the existing literature? What's the magic that makes that happen? 

Eliana La Ferrrara gives very helpful specific examples on how to give a seminar in her talk, "How to Present your Job Market Paper." I really love how she goes into so much detail on the standard structure of these talks. I guess I had never thought much about it, but these talks do have a standard structure. My advice: Sure, you can deviate from the standard if you have a strong reason to do so, but if not, stick to the standard structure--especially now that you know exactly what it is.

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