Sunday, November 22, 2015

Commuting Zones, Occupation Codes, Occupational Tasks, and More...Thank You, David Dorn!

MSAs have gone out of fashion. Commuting Zones are all the rage these days! 

David Dorn has graciously provided cross-walks for PUMAs and counties to commuting zones on his webpage. Super useful! On behalf of labor economists everywhere, I thank you! 

Here is a short abstract:Commuting Zones (CZs) provide a local labor market geography that covers the entire land area of the United States. CZs are clusters of U.S. counties that are characterized by strong within-cluster and weak between-cluster commuting ties. The crosswalk files below provide a probabilistic matching of sub-state geographic units in U.S. Census Public Use Files to CZs.

And the webpage is linked here


Use this code with the IPUMS data so that you can use the crosswalk: 
g puma2000=real(string(statefip)+string(puma, "%04.0f"))